hello again

I’m sitting down to write words that will be read by other humans (well there’s no guarantee but there’s a possibility) and the only thing I can think is, “Try to remember how to have a sense of humor when you write, Deb, so it doesn’t sound like all you do is scream into an existential void.” So I’m making that note here:
don’t forget funny hahas.

Hi! How’s everyone’s pandemic been? Mine’s been one part spiritual transformation and two parts emotional knee-capping.  So, ya know…about like yours.

After I flew home from Ireland the day before they closed the borders, I quarantined for fourteen days and then proceeded to Lysol everything in the house that got near an open window for the next two years. Oh, and then a war started.

Call me crazy but I’ve found it hard to make Art in these Times. But if I’m being honest, the real problem is because I’m what Julia Cameron calls a “blocked artist.” It’s been nice to have other stuff to blame other than myself for a change…is a real thought I had. God, humans are the worst. But never fear! I’m only on Week 10 of the book. The Way is near! The Morning Pages are filling up binders like the wings of doves.

But for real, I hope if any other person is reading this that you’re ok and you have the emotional support you need.

Love to the void from the void
xoxo ( i always forget which is the hug and which is the kiss)